When is the Right Time to See a Chiropractor?

Most people refuse to see a chiropractor unless something has gone wrong. Maybe you were in a car crash, or maybe you received an injury during a pickup game of tackle football. Perhaps you woke up with a sore shoulder that just won’t stop, or your doctor just isn’t giving you the pain relief that…

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5 Sleep Tips for Back Pain

Your back pain can cause all sorts of problems – whether you have issues getting comfortable while driving or reaching for an item above your head makes you cringe in pain, we know that back pain can ruin your day. As bad as ruining the day is, back pain can really mess up the night,…

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Benefits of Spinal Decompression

Many people suffer from a compressed spine, but there is no need to go through life in such horrible pain. While a simple adjustment may be all you need, many people find themselves needing a bit more of an intensive treatment to feel any relief. That’s why spinal decompression therapy may be the perfect choice…

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How Can my Chiropractor Help Me?

Many people believe that chiropractors are only good for alleviating neck and back pain. While they can help with these issues, that’s not all they can do! Chiropractors actually have a thorough understanding of your entire musculoskeletal system and how everything connects within your body. Here are a few of the top ways your chiropractor…

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The Principles of Posture

When it comes to taking care of our bodies, our backs are one of the most important parts! This central space connects every part of you and provides the mobility you need to perform even the most basic of tasks. That’s why even the most minor of back injuries or spasms can have us bedridden…

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Chiropractic Care and Knee Pain

Our knees are one part of our body that it’s easy to take for granted. After all, we don’t really notice them until they are in pain. Once that happens, though, they can be almost impossible to not think about. When you are looking for knee pain relief, where do you turn? Many people may…

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A Strong Lower Back Matters

Regardless of whether you want to eventually be an Olympic athlete or if you just want to have a easy time walking from one place to another, your lower back matters! Since this part of our body lies at the center, it controls our balance and prevents us from injuring ourselves while engaging in any…

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Resolutions for a Healthier Back

It’s the new year, which means people are making all sorts of New Year’s resolutions they hope to follow through the next 12 months. Regardless of whether your main resolution is to finally climb that 14er or to go to the gym three times a week, we have a resolution that everyone should choose: taking…

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Sciatica Symptoms and Causes

If you have been suffering from pain in your lower back that stretches all the way to your legs, this is most likely not your everyday back pain! When you are suffering from back pain, or would just like an adjustment to make each day a little easier, please call Littleton’s chiropractor at Arne Wellness…

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